Tuesday, November 1, 2011

UK Comenius Club - Italy Display

The children had great fun learning about Italy, this is a selection of their work.

UK Healthy Plates/Poster Display

Comenius Minutes - Italy - October 2011

Minutes of Comenius Project Meeting.  Tuesday 18th October 2011.  Montecarotto, Italy.
In attendance:

Chris Aldridge (UK)
Manoli Barroso(Spain)
Pachu Herrera (Spain)
Veronica Benitez (Spain)
Marina Chatzikosti (Greece)
Iliana Ververi (Greece)
Anna Afeutougilou (Greece)
Amanda Guidi (Italy)
Elena Carnali (Italy)
Carina Lund (Sweden)
Monika Flink (Sweden)
Laura Resek (Slovenia)
Sabina Mattersdorfer (Slovenia)
Jenny Knill (UK)
Suzanne Hefford (UK)

1.    Opening Remarks:
Introductions by each visitor.  Thanks to the Italian staff for all their organisation and hospitality during this visit.

2.    Evaluation of activities:
All agreed that the activities were really enjoyed by the children. 
Sweden: Have displayed posters in their lunch room
Italy: Work currently displayed in classrooms and there is to be more work completed weith the chdilren.
Slovenia: Made a film showing the work completed and is on their school website and Blog.  They use it for learning English words.
Spain: Will make a display of all the work after this visit.
Greece: Work is on their Comenius board and the children know where all the work has come from.
UK: Work is on display in the hall on the Comenius board.

Ideas for how parents can be more involved in the projects:
Slovenia:  each class had a meeting with parents and they were given questionnaires to find out habits and opinions related to healthy eating.  They felt it was important to educate the parents.
UK: Chris shared an idea about holding a healthy lunchbox morning where the school provide healthy food choice for the children,  Children ad parent s come in before school starts and choose items for their lunch together.
Italy: One day a week the children have to have a healthy snack.
Sweden: Involved the school nurse and used her to educate both the parents and their children.  They also hold a breakfast morning in school twice a year.
Slovenia: Children have their snack at 9.00.  they are part of a European project that involves the children receiving free fruit.
Italy: Children have a class chart and keep a record of what the children have for their snack. They fell this encourages the children to bring something healthy.  Some of the parents have reported that this encourages their children to ask for healthy snacks.
Spain: Breakfast morning in school.  Trying traditional recipes - Grandparents brought in traditional recipes and they were cooked and eaten together.

3.    Planning of next activity:
Joint book
Each county will contribute to a joint book.  Each book will contain 5 categories:
Rice, pastas and breads
Meat and Fish
Each country will produce pages for each section of the book in their own language and then send a copy of each page to the other countries.  Every country should then receive pages for each of the 5 categories in every language.
The book can be completed once a country receives the pages from all the other countries.
Draw pictures or use photos for each of the categories.  Each picture must be labelled.

Each page should have a small flag on the bottom, right hand corner of each page so the children reading the book will know which country each page is from.
Each school will make their own front cover for the book.
*Please use good quality thick paper or thin card for each page.
**Completed pages need to be received in each country by Friday 27th January**

4.    Final Report:
The British Council required more information for last year’s report.  Chris Aldridge sent off the additional information and circulated a copy so everyone could see what was sent. Chris will also email everyone a copy.

5.    Final activity of the project:
Cookery:  Each country to decide on a traditional recipe to be cooked by the others.  Before the next meeting, this needs to be emailed to each of the other countries so that the ingredients can be checked. Any unusual items can then be bought to the next meeting and given to those countries that need them.

6.    Date for next meeting:
The week beginning 12th March provisionally booked. To be held in Spain  Please let Spain know how  long you are likely to stay so they can book excursions accordingly.

7.    AOB:
Italy’s school website is changing.  They will send the new address out.
There will be a small amount of money available for another project starting  in September 2012.
Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, UK, and Italy have confirmed they would still like to be involved
Chris will look into applying for another project as no other volunteers were forthcoming.
UK To remind Adam about setting us up on Skype.
Meeting closed at 1.00pm.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Arcevia - ITALY

In about a month three teachers from the elementary school Stavropol Xanthi in Greece, will visit the most picturesque Italian city.  
Being the new Director of our school and head of our COMENIUS program, let me show you the Greek dream team and travel details.  
Best wishes to all and I promise to be with you at our next meeting
Babis Dimarhopoulos

The Greek dream team and travel details :
From SKG (SKG) to Rome (Ciampino) (CIA)
Sat, 15Oct11 Flight FR7069 Depart SKG at 14:40 and arrive CIA at 15:35
From Rome (Ciampino) (CIA) to SKG (SKG)
Sat, 22Oct11 Flight FR7068 Depart CIA at 11:30 and arrive SKG at 14:15

 Arcevia - ITALY - history
According to tradition, Arcevia originates from a Gallic settlement anterior to the Roman conquest of Italy; following that, it became overshadowed by more important nearby cities, such as Suasa.
Under the name of Rocca Contrada, the town was fortified by Pippin the Younger, King of the Franks, and was then donated by Charlemagne to the Papal States. In the following centuries, Arcevia played a key role in the local balance of power, located as it was at the border of the Marca di Ancona, Umbria, and the Duchy of Urbino. In 1201, Rocca Contrada proclaimed itself a commune independent from Rome, and was indeed recognised as civitas (Latin for "city") by pope Clement IV in 1266, and remained a guelph city ever since.
Known on a local scale for its military might, Rocca Contrada became entwined in the struggles between the numerous conflicts between local powers, until in the 15th century it found itself under siege by Ladislaus, King of Naples, and decided to call upon the help of famous condottiero Braccio da Montone. The latter vanquished the assailants and reconquered the castles around Arcevia they had occupied; for this he was proclaimed Signore of the city. Later on, the troops of Francesco Sforza overtook Rocca Contrada, which, after several vicissitudes, ended up under the rule of the guelph Malatesta family.
After the pacification of the Papal States in the 16th century, Rocca Contrada flourished in the Italian Renaissance: the city witnessed the institution of professorships in classical subjects, the founding of literary academies, and the birth of such significant artists as painter Ercole Ramazzani and architect Andrea Vici in the 18th century.
In 1817, pope Pius VII renamed Rocca Contrada with the current official name of Arcevia. The town passed to the Kingdom of Italy after the unification of the country under the Savoy monarchy. Townspeople fought in the two world wars, and paid for their resistance to Nazi occupation with the slaughter of seventy people on Mount Sant'Angelo in May 1944.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Counting in Spanish

Counting in Swedish

Counting in Greek

Counting in Italian

Counting in Slovenian

Greek Project Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Comenius Members Meeting
Held in Greece 1st June 2011
In attendance:
Chris Aldridge (CA) (UK) (Chair)                    Triantafillos Pavlou (TP) (Greece)
Lesley Jones (LJ) (UK)                                   Krystallenia Moschidi (KM) (Greece)
            Rebecca D’arcy Drake (RDD) (UK)              Amanda Guidi (AMG) (Italy)
            Adam Richards (AR) (UK)                             Niviana Grizi (NG) (Italy)
            Rebecca Cole (RC) (UK)                               Josephina (J) (Italy)
Laura Resek (LR) (Slovenia)                          Pachu Ibanet (PI) (Spain)
            Veronika Hudobrezuik (VH) (Slovenia)          Manoli Barroso (MB) (Spain)
            Carina Lund (CL) (Sweden)                           Fatima Zarco Perez (FZP) (Spain)
Monica Ilink Hammar (MIH) (Sweden)                     
Bengt Loving (BL) (Sweden)             
1.    Opening Remarks

CA welcomed those present and thanked TP for hosting meeting and hospitality. 

2.    Revisit Objectives

A reminder of the objectives of the project was circulated to each member country.

3.    Progress Reports

a          Greece are satisfied with what they have achieved thus far, preparation for the traditional dancing and games have fitted into the school week easily.  Sharing of DVD’s has been a good approach and the school have incorporated some traditional games into break times, painting hopscotch and snakes and ladders onto their playground.  The three month interval between meetings is an appropriate time to prepare for the next meeting.
b          Sweden agreed with Greece with reference to the above .  More information needs to be given to parents to enable them to become involved in the project.  There is a school nurse to help sharing of information.
C         Spain is happy with activities undertaken.  They also felt they needed to inform the parents more and educate them about the project.  With healthy food being the focus next year, it will become easier to involve the parents.
d          Italy felt the same way regarding involving parents.  They have prepared a DVD for their parents to inform them about the project. 
e          Slovenia also felt that their parents needed to be more involved.  Their website has a link to inform parents about the Comenius project.  They are planning an end of year show which is themed on traditional dances.
f           UK really enjoyed the traditional games and dances and logo competition.  Parents also need to be more informed about the project.  The commitment from each county is pleasing, communication is excellent and the project is extremely successful.

4.    Healthy Eating Activity

The children are going to create a healthy plate of food, either a poster or a picture on a paper plate.

Children aged 4-9 create a healthy paper plate of food.

Children aged 10-12 produce a poster of a healthy plate of food.

Each school will send 4 plates and 4 posters to each school by the 8th October 2011, maximum size for the poster is A3.  Each school will display received plates/posters in their respective schools.

5.    Dates For The Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in Italy from 17th October 2011 until 21st October 2011.  Arriving on the Monday and departing on the Friday.

6.    Skype Communication

AR will email countries with UK Skype address and arrange Skype communication between schools.

7.    Any Other Business

CA thanked TP for all the work he has undertaken on the website.

TP may be moving to a different school during the current project.

CA will be retiring from teaching in July 2011; she will continue co-ordinating the current project.

Intermediate report needs to be submitted, CA agreed to complete and submit.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3rd meeting in Stavroupoli - Xanthi from 31/5/2011 to 3/6/2011

Comenius Programme

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We wish a happy and peaceful Easter

Friday, April 15, 2011

Greece, Sweden and Slovenia ( Skype)

Today there was a contact through Skype between Greece, Sweden and Slovenia in the same time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Greece - Sweden (SKYPE)

Our school had its first contact through Skype with the school of Västerås in Sweden today.
The duration of the contact was approximately 1 hour and we will contact with them again tomorrow.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Minutes of Comenius Project Meeting, held on Thursday 10th March 2011 in Vasteras, Sweden.

In attendance:
Chris Aldridge (CA)(UK) Lourdes Ruiz (LR)(Spain)
Sue Waldron(SW)(UK) Manoli Barroso(MB)(Spain)
Annette Messenger(AM)UK) Pachu Herrera(PI)(Spain)
Viktor Bencan(VB)(Slovenia) Triantafyllos Pavlou (TP)(Greece)
Damijan Kosiravlou(TP)(Slovenia) Krystallenia Moschidi(KM)(Greece)
Blanka Skodlar(BS)(Slovenia) Despoina Sideridou(DS)(Greece)
Amanda Guidi(AG)(Italy) Evangelia Ostadaki(EO)(Greece)
Dennis Censi(DC)(Italy) Ilias Batmatzoglou(IB)(Greece)
Niviana Grizi(NG)(Italy)
Carina Lund(CL)(Sweden)
Monika Flink(MF)(Sweden)
Annika Ramsten(AR)(Sweden)

Opening remarks:
• CL – thanked members for visiting Sweden.
• CA (a) thanked Sweden for hosting interesting and informative visit.
(b) thanked TP for establishing website for Project
Report on activities:
• TP (a) showed video compilation of Greek children playing games from other member countries.
(b) has uploaded all games onto website.
• Members exchanged photos and DVDs of playground games.
• Pen-pal letters were exchanged.
Future activities:
• Members agreed to teach and perform a minimum of three traditional dances and send DVDs by 8th April.
DK suggested DVDs with separate MP3 music tracks. All agreed.
• All agreed to bring DVDs of children performing dances from other countries to next meeting.
• Deadline for sports activity moved to September, due to time considerations.
• Comenius children’s councils to be established in schools.
CL suggested photos of meetings would be useful.
• All agreed to setting up Skype and investigating practicalities of children video conferencing.
AG suggested a test run with teachers first.
Next Meeting:
• Greece confirmed they would host next meeting – proposed arrival Monday 23rd May, for meeting 24th, 25th and 26th May. Possibility of day excursion with Greek children on the Friday. Greece asked to be informed at time of flight booking of those wanting to go on excursion.
• Greece asked for clarification of any country needing formal invitation. None required, only usual Certificate of Attendance.
Spain requested change of dates to the following week – fly on Monday 30th May for meeting 31st, 1st and 2nd June and excursion Friday 3rd June.
• All agreed to change of dates.
• Greece requested details on travel arrangements of each country as soon as possible – will provide bus number and timetable from Thessaloniki if required: or they can collect groups from Kavala.
Subsequent Meetings:
• Italy agreed to host meeting in October – exact dates to be agreed at meeting in Greece.
• Spain agreed to host following meeting – dates to be confirmed at meeting in Greece – probably April 2012.

Meeting closed

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Västeras 8-11 / 3 / 2011

The hospitality in Sweden  was as  sweet as the princess-cake

Monday, February 14, 2011

2nd meeting in Västerås at 8/3/2011 to 11/3/2011

Västerås 8-11 of Mars
Tuesday 8/3            
08:30               We pick you up at your hotel.
09:20               Coffee break with our teachers and mother tongue teachers
10:00-10.50                  Welcome ceremony with our pupils
11.00-12:00                   Visit different schools
12:00-13:00                  Lunch at school
13:00-15:00                   Sightseeing Västerås city.We are going to walk so take adequate clothes and shoes!
15:00-18:30                   Free tim
18:30                            Dinner at your hotel with our staff
Wednesday 9/3
8:00-9.20                      Visit different classes
9:20                              RÖRIS! (break activity for pupils)
9:30-9.50                      Coffee break
9.50-lunchtime  Visit different classes/ join a lesson in the forest
13.00-14.30                   Information about how we take care of children with different mother tongue 14.30-17.30                Free time
18.00                             We eat Swedish” smörgåsbord” at our school together with our staff.
Thursday 10/3
9:00-10:00                   Maria Ruth talks about the reception of newly arrived students
10:00-10:30                   Coffee break
10.30-12.00                   Project meeting/check the project plan for the next period
12.00-15.00                   Lunch and excursion
15.00-               Good bye!
Friday 11/3         
But if you want to see more of Sweden…..???