Thursday, June 9, 2011

Counting in Spanish

Counting in Swedish

Counting in Greek

Counting in Italian

Counting in Slovenian

Greek Project Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Comenius Members Meeting
Held in Greece 1st June 2011
In attendance:
Chris Aldridge (CA) (UK) (Chair)                    Triantafillos Pavlou (TP) (Greece)
Lesley Jones (LJ) (UK)                                   Krystallenia Moschidi (KM) (Greece)
            Rebecca D’arcy Drake (RDD) (UK)              Amanda Guidi (AMG) (Italy)
            Adam Richards (AR) (UK)                             Niviana Grizi (NG) (Italy)
            Rebecca Cole (RC) (UK)                               Josephina (J) (Italy)
Laura Resek (LR) (Slovenia)                          Pachu Ibanet (PI) (Spain)
            Veronika Hudobrezuik (VH) (Slovenia)          Manoli Barroso (MB) (Spain)
            Carina Lund (CL) (Sweden)                           Fatima Zarco Perez (FZP) (Spain)
Monica Ilink Hammar (MIH) (Sweden)                     
Bengt Loving (BL) (Sweden)             
1.    Opening Remarks

CA welcomed those present and thanked TP for hosting meeting and hospitality. 

2.    Revisit Objectives

A reminder of the objectives of the project was circulated to each member country.

3.    Progress Reports

a          Greece are satisfied with what they have achieved thus far, preparation for the traditional dancing and games have fitted into the school week easily.  Sharing of DVD’s has been a good approach and the school have incorporated some traditional games into break times, painting hopscotch and snakes and ladders onto their playground.  The three month interval between meetings is an appropriate time to prepare for the next meeting.
b          Sweden agreed with Greece with reference to the above .  More information needs to be given to parents to enable them to become involved in the project.  There is a school nurse to help sharing of information.
C         Spain is happy with activities undertaken.  They also felt they needed to inform the parents more and educate them about the project.  With healthy food being the focus next year, it will become easier to involve the parents.
d          Italy felt the same way regarding involving parents.  They have prepared a DVD for their parents to inform them about the project. 
e          Slovenia also felt that their parents needed to be more involved.  Their website has a link to inform parents about the Comenius project.  They are planning an end of year show which is themed on traditional dances.
f           UK really enjoyed the traditional games and dances and logo competition.  Parents also need to be more informed about the project.  The commitment from each county is pleasing, communication is excellent and the project is extremely successful.

4.    Healthy Eating Activity

The children are going to create a healthy plate of food, either a poster or a picture on a paper plate.

Children aged 4-9 create a healthy paper plate of food.

Children aged 10-12 produce a poster of a healthy plate of food.

Each school will send 4 plates and 4 posters to each school by the 8th October 2011, maximum size for the poster is A3.  Each school will display received plates/posters in their respective schools.

5.    Dates For The Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in Italy from 17th October 2011 until 21st October 2011.  Arriving on the Monday and departing on the Friday.

6.    Skype Communication

AR will email countries with UK Skype address and arrange Skype communication between schools.

7.    Any Other Business

CA thanked TP for all the work he has undertaken on the website.

TP may be moving to a different school during the current project.

CA will be retiring from teaching in July 2011; she will continue co-ordinating the current project.

Intermediate report needs to be submitted, CA agreed to complete and submit.