Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spanish Minutes


Minutes of the Project Members Meeting – 13th March 2012

Chris Aldridge (CA) (UK) (Chair)
Lesley Jones (LJ) (UK)               
Anne Gay (AG) (UK)
Andreja Zzimsell (AZ) (Slovenia)
Luka Blaganje (LB) (Slovenia)
Janja Lebar (JL) (Slovenia)
            Amanda Guidi (AG) (Italy)
                      Francesca Rossetti (FR) (Italy)                                    
            Monica Flink Hammar (MFH) (Sweden)
                      Carina Lund (CL) (Sweden)
Cathanna Bergmark (CB) (Sweden)                                     
Rose-Marie Sivard (RMS) Sweden)
Despoina Papazozoglou (DP) (Greece)
Maria Pastidou (MP) (Greece)
                      Manoli Barroso (MB) (Spain)
                      Pachu Ibanez (PI) (Spain)


1.            Introductions
2.            Evaluation of the healthy eating book activity
3.            Discussion about the next activity - cooking
4.            Discussion about EST (European Shared Treasure)
5.            Plans for future co-operation
6.            Dates for next meeting

7.            AOB


1.     1.

CA welcomed all countries and thanked our Spanish partners for hosting the project meeting.  Each member introduced themselves.

Evaluation of the healthy eating book activity
Each country has produced a healthy eating book from the received artwork from each country.  The book is on display in an appropriate area of their school where children, staff and visitors have access to it.


Discussion about the next activity – cooking
All countries have swapped recipes for the next activity.  Italy will forward potato flakes as soon as possible.  It was agreed that a CD with photographs of the food will be produced by each county to include some comments from the children and parents if possible, to be brought to the next project meeting.  Each recipe will be made either at school or home if no cooking facilities are available.


Discussion about EST
CA will write the final report.  Any member of the public can log onto the EST so each country will need to upload information.  The password is available from each countries national agency.  EST is very useful for other countries who want information about Comenius projects.  Each country needs to contribute at least one project activity by the end of September 2012.

Plans for future co-operation
CA explained that Queen Margaret Primary School is just recruiting a new Head teacher who will be in post by September 2012.  She will meet the new head and offer to write another project after they have been appointed.  Applications for a new project will need to be submitted by the end of January 2013, to commence in September 2013.  If the new head teacher is in favour of new project then CA will think of themed project, potentially Maths/English.
All countries are interested in a new project if new Head teacher would like a project written.

Dates for the next meeting
The next meeting is in the UK.  Partners will arrive on Monday 28th May. 
Comenius meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th May, Wednesday 30th May, Thursday 31st May with Friday 1st June optional.


The UK currently has a Comenius Assistant who is happy to set up Skype.  Days and times convenient for partners are:
ITALY                  0800 – 1200               Tuesday/Wednesday
GREECE             0800 – 1200               Any Day
SWEDEN             0900 – 1100               Monday/Tuesday
SLOVENIA           0800 – 1200               Any Day
SPAIN                  0900 – 1400               Any Day
UK                        0900 – 1200               Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday


CA will email Annika (Sweden) to discuss the website and updates.  If you are unable to access the blog then email her and she will upload the information, her email address is:

The questionnaires need to be completed prior to the next meeting by the same children who completed them last time.  As we need to analyse the data, the percentage for each question needs to be sent to Pachu for data compilation by the 7th May 2012.  Amanda will forward a copy of the questionnaire to each country.

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